Revolutionary aircraft technologies are delayed

Aviation needs revolutionary technologies quickly to curb CO2 emissions. However, these get delayed by cheap kerosene

1. International Air Transport Association (IATA), the association of the world’s airlines, sees an urgent need for revolutionary new aircraft designs

„Each new generation of aircraft yields a typical 15% fuel efficiency improvement compared to the generation it replaces. This replacement occurs on average every 20 years, although smaller serial improvements and retrofits occur in the intervening period.”
IATA Technology Roadmap for Environmental Improvement Fact Sheet Continue reading “Revolutionary aircraft technologies are delayed”

Alternatives for kerosene are delayed

Because kerosene can be used so cheaply, alternatives are neglected

1. Kerosene’s characteristics are unmatched.
It has the highest energy density (thrust to weight ratio) and chemical stability. It’s low freezing point allows efficient flights in cold air at high altitudes whilst it is very safe to use. A burning match doesn’t ignite a puddle of kerosene when it is thrown into.. Continue reading “Alternatives for kerosene are delayed”